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Immagine del prodotto sonda Raman Rxn-10 vista di lato rivolta a destra

Sonda Raman Rxn-10

Una sonda versatile per le vostre esigenze di spettroscopia Raman

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54 documenti
    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)

    Accessory Optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Technical Information

    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications for Rxn-10 probe optics:
    Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL),
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Technical Information

    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    System design and specifications
    for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Manuale operativo (BA)

    Accessory optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Operating Instructions

    • Manuale operativo (BA)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for Rxn-10 probe optics: Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL)
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • Manuale operativo (BA)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Operating Instructions

    • Manuale operativo (BA)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Commissioning, operation, and maintenance details
    for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Short Instruction (KA)

    Rxn-10 Raman Spectroscopic Probe Brief Operating Instructions

    • Short Instruction (KA)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Quick start guide for the Raman Rxn-10 probe

    • Short Instruction (KA)

    Accessory Optics for the Rxn-10 Probe Brief Operating Instructions

    • Short Instruction (KA)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Quickstart guide for Rxn-10 probe optics:
    Raman immersion optics (KIO1),
    non-contact optics (KNCO1), bIO-Optics (KLBIO1),
    bio multi optics (KRBMO), bio sleeves (KRBSL)
    and Raman optic system for single use (KRSU1)

    • PU (Pubblicazione)

    Advanced process and product control in fermentations - Raman spectroscopy for composition analysis in a lab or process

    • PU (Pubblicazione)
    Versione inglese - 03/2022
    New version available in English

    An overview of Raman spectroscopy analyzer systems (including the
    Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, and Rxn-45
    probe), powered by Kaiser Raman technology, for fermentation
    compositional analysis in a lab or process applicable to biotechnology
    in the food & beverage industry.

    • PU (Pubblicazione)

    Raman application guide for the life science industry - Trusted composition analysis for the life sciences

    • PU (Pubblicazione)
    Versione inglese - 04/2022
    New version available in English

    A guide to our Raman spectroscopy application notes for the
    Life Science industry (featuring the Raman Rxn2 analyzer,
    Raman Rxn4 analyzer, Rxn-10 probe, Rxn-20 probe, Rxn-45 probe,
    Rxn-46 probe, and probe accessory optics (bIO-Optic, Raman single
    use optic system / SUB, immersion optic, non-contact optic).

    • PU (Pubblicazione)

    Raman flow assembly - Precise composition measurement of high-speed, low-volume samples in downstream bioprocessing

    • PU (Pubblicazione)
    Versione inglese - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    An overview of the Raman flow assembly (flow bench and flow cell)
    used with the Rxn-10 probe in conjunction with a Raman Rxn2
    analyzer and a Raman flow assembly calibration and verification kit
    for downstream bioprocessing (powered by Kaiser Raman technology).

    • PU (Pubblicazione)

    Raman calibration and verification kits - Everything needed to calibrate and verify your Raman analyzer system for lab-to-process scalability

    • PU (Pubblicazione)
    Versione inglese - 12/2023
    New version available in English

    An overview of the Raman calibration and verification kits for
    the bio multi optic / single use optic and the Raman flow assembly
    (includes the flow bench and flow cell). These kits are to be used in
    conjunction with the Rxn-10 probe and Raman Rxn2 / Rxn4 analyzer
    for upstream and downstream bioprocessing (powered by Kaiser
    Raman technology).