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Product picture of: Omnigrad S TST262

Omnigrad S TST262

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4 documenti
    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)

    RTD temperature sensor omnigrad S TST262

    • Informazioni tecniche (TI)
    Versione inglese - 10/2003
    New version available in English

    Thermometer with EEx d certification
    Lamination nipple and/or 3 elements coupling Matchable with pipe

    • Istruzioni di sicurezza Ex (XA)

    Istruzioni di sicurezza ATEX II1/2 GD o II2G

    • Istruzioni di sicurezza Ex (XA)
    Versione italiana - 09/2005
    New version available in English

    Sensore di temperatura RTD e TC
    TST/C 262, TST/C 264, TST/C 266

    • Metrologia

    Product family: Process RTD explosion proof

    • Metrologia
    Versione romena - 06/2006
    New version available in English

    Product root: TMT136-, TMT137-, TST262-, TST264-
    Region: Romania
    Approval agency: BRML

    • Metrologia

    Product family: Low cost RTD general purpose, Process RTD direct contact, PROCESS RTD EXPLOSION PROOF, Process RTD general purpose, PROCESS RTD HEAVY DUTY, RTD THERMOMETER ZONE "0"

    • Metrologia
    Versione romena - 06/2006
    New version available in English

    Product root: TST10-, TST11-, TST110-, TST111-, TST12-, TST120-,
    TST121-, TST130-, TST131-, TST140-, TST141-, TST210-, TST220-, TST221-,
    TST262-, TST264-, TST310-, TST410-, TST414-, TST42-, TST420-, TST72-,
    TST80-, TST90-
    Region: Romania
    Approval agency: BRML