LNG: baseload custody transfer
Raman Rxn4 analyzer accurately measures LNG composition
Once LNG has been liquefied and stored in tanks, it is ready for transport to other markets, usually via an LNG carrier. These custody transfers from the storage tank to the ship, or from the ship at a receiving terminal, often involve millions of dollars of product in a single shipment. As such, it is essential that both the deliverer and recipient of the LNG know exactly how much energy has been transacted.

Benefits at a glance
Measures LNG in the cryogenic liquid phase
Faster update times
No analysis delays due to sample transport or vaporization
Up to 10 times less uncertainty in Btu transferred when compared to Vaporizer/GC systems
Virtually immune to LNG flow variations for accurate energy measurement of more of the transferred cargo
Issues with traditional measurements
For traditional GC-vaporizer systems, it is essential to eliminate partial and pre-vaporization for all LNG flow rates of the LNG sample, which requires careful installation and proper maintenance to ensure good insulation and no hot spots in the sample vaporization and transport paths. In addition, the GIIGNL LNG Custody Transfer Handbook states that LNG must be sampled during stable flow of LNG.
Raman Rxn4 analyzer for LNG baseload custody transfer
The Raman Rxn4 analyzer for LNG coupled with the Rxn-41 probe for cryogenic service provides accurate measurement of the Wobbe index (WI), gross heating value (GHV), and full composition of LNG with up to a 10 times lower uncertainty than legacy GC vaporizer systems currently in use.